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Living in the moment/movement

The concept of ‘living in the moment’ is a compelling theme, especially in a fast-paced, modernized yet fragmented reality. The fact that the words ‘moment’ and ‘movement’ come from the same root dawned on me as I moved through this workshop. Making this important connection came easily while participating in the Art of Transition. Through Nathan’s use of fine-tuning awareness and the practice of patience throughout yogic asanas, I was able to reconnect instantly with the joy of the journey. The exploration of no fixed end point also helped me to tap into contained energy (or chi) and experience a sense of enhanced grace and strength. Nathan guides in such an effective way that the practice seems to transcend the physical mat almost effortlessly!

The accompanying exercises and lecture also provide tools to peel the layers of false ideas of self while inviting authenticity to emerge. Health, as it relates to nutrition, is presented in a digestible and non-dogmatic way and viewed as the restoration of balance coming principally from within and extending beyond — essentially all that we absorb in our relationships, work, the environment…   Nathan possesses a rare combination of personal wisdom, superior knowledge and masterful techniques that integrates compassion, playfulness and purpose. This workshop walks the talk!